Klipper Notizen

Calibrate your Printer

This calibrations can be done by Mainsail Interface with Macros or on Speeder Pad directly.

  • Start BED PID and save configuration.
  • Start HOTEND PID and save configuration.
  • Calibrate your extruder by calculing Rotation Distance.
  • Start ENDSTOP CALIBRATION and save configuration.
  • Start DELTA CALIBRATION and save configuration.
  • Start BED LEVELING and save configuration.
  • Adjust Z-OFFSET, first you need to move to Z=0 and then adjust nozzle position with a sheet of paper.
    • Note: The Z-Offset is saved in real time including when adjusting babysteps.

mainsail.cfg in die printer.cfg einfügen
[include mainsail.cfg]


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