Dremel 3D45 Firmware Update

3D45 Firmware Revision History

version v3.0_R02.12.10

  1. Fixed a camera related bug in the Dremel cloud
  2. Updated FCC/IC numbers
  3. Updated EULA
  4. Firmware update address changed to a new server
  5. Updated web console support page to 3PI
  6. Web console added printer name to home screen
    1. You can set the printer’s name from the web console home page by clicking on the text (see picture below)

7. Fix a servo related issue when starting a print or leveling
8. Fixed a bug Info button takes user to about screen while printing
9. Fixed a bug relating to setting a static IP address and it is changing values after setup
10. Updated about screen text size and is now spread across two separate pages


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